In my ESting, I plan to create an object-based, stop-frame animation, where the camera tracks the action, in a smooth, consistent movement.
The objects initially exit a box or bag. The scattered objects then travel across table, coming together to create E4 logo at the end.
The animation would be set table, possibly girl's room. Options could be a desk or dressing table, with a mirror (see right).
There would be financial limitations, due to our £5 budget. The animation requires specific colours for the logo and, depending upon the availability, items of these colours may have to be purchased. Competence would not be as big of an issue, as the main focus of the animation will be objects, as opposed to people. The only problem that may arise would be from the person operating the camera and the person moving the objects. If there isn't a minimum of 2 people working on the ESting, the difficulty of the project would increase exponentially and may not even be possible. Locations do not offer any limitations, as all that is required, really, is a table. The animation soundtrack must be selected from the E4 ESting soundbank. There are a few that I like, but I am going to wait until the animation is complete before selecting one, as I would want the music to be best suited to the animation and fit in with the theme and feel.
The primary target audience would be females, who are into crafts and/or make up etc. This would most likely appeal to younger teen, between the ages of about 13 to 17. This would mean that they are included in the Explorer or Aspirer psychographics and the E demographic, as this age range would still be in compulsory education. The secondary target audience would be older women, between 35 and 45, as they could be watching with their children. This would most likely put them in the Mainstreamer or Reformer psychographics and anywhere between the A and C2 demographics.
We planned to use our classroom for a setting location, as this had the easiest access available.
This is the storyboard for our ESting.
This is our production schedule.
This is the risk assessment we completed before filming.
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