I have decided to present this evaluation as a written report, supported with visual examples. I believe that this is the best way to fully convey what I mean and the feedback I have received while working on this project. This allows for me to include more detail and proof of feedback, with images that are able to be reviewed and revisited. I distributed my ESting on YouTube and via my blog. If I could make any changes to my distribution methods, I would definitely have utilised the social media that is available, globally. This would have allowed me to reach out to a wider range of people and a virtually limitless number of opinions and constructive criticisms. I obtained my feedback through survey responses and the comments on the YouTube video.
When creating an ESting, the criteria requires specific music to be used, which is provided by E4. This meant our music wasn't best suited to our ESting concept, as none of the options really fit the mood or pace of our ESting. Also, Entry to the competition is only possible if the entrant has an actve Twitter profile, as entries are taken via the social media site. I, as someone who does not use social media often, would find this inconvenient, as it would mean creating an account, purely for the purpose of entering this competition. As there is an age limit, this limits who can contribute to the competition. This wasn't an issue for my group, as we were all over 16.
Time management for this project wasn't an issue, as we completed it within 2 days. I believe we would have achieved a better final product if we had filmed it all in one day, as there was a jump in footage, between 0:05 and 0:06, which is the divide between the separate days work.
I believe our final product conformed to all the rules and guidelines, regarding content and appropriateness, however, I do not believe this is of broadcast quality, as I believe the border detracted from the overall footage quality and would not have been used on national television.
The feedback was mostly positive, with some accurate criticisms, regarding the rather choppy jump between the two days work and the suitability of the music, in comparison to the content. The responses and comments were collected from friends, peers and family, which allowed for more variance in opinion. Most thought that the ident didn't suit the target audience and thought it was aimed towards small children. I agree with most of these criticisms, although people did seem to have conflicting opinions regarding the border, where I have a distinct dislike of it.
Through this project, I feel I have gained a better grasp of how stop-frame animation works and how to work closely to a brief. It has allowed me to work with patience to create a product that I am proud and satisfied with. I found working to a brief made creating a final product more easy, due to the clear, concise and detailed nature of briefs. I believe I would be suited to working with briefs, as I enjoy the foolproof structure and guidelines that are provided. I found working with animation a fun and creative alternative to live-action work and would probably pursue it as a career, if the opportunity ever arose.
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